Need Help and Advice On Feeding Your Cat Natural
We Can Help You
The Cat Herbalist was founded 1n 1988, with our love and devotion for cats and over 25 years’ experience of following a Natural Diet and using Herbs and Homeopathic supplements, we decided to share our experiences and knowledge with dedicated cat owners who wish to promote the wellbeing of their cat the natural way with a safe natural remedies.
The supplements are pure and natural, cats in the wild would seek the herbs for themselves naturally as nature intended. The Company offers homeopathic remedies for the overall condition of your cat. The ingredients used are an excellent immunity boost, full of minerals, trace elements and antioxidants to help promote the health, keeping your cat in top condition naturally.
All our products are 100% natural, we purchse only the finest quality organic (when available) supplements. The vitamins contain no artificial preservatives, colorants or additives, no sugar and no added salt, just pure and natural, we carefully select human consumption grade of the highest standard.
All the ingredients in The Cat Herbalist formulas, have been practiced by the Native Indians and herbalists all over the world for hundreds of years and have been proven to be completely safe with no adverse reactions.

Cats eating a dry food diet have more concentrated urine and do not drink enough to compensate for the lack of moisture in their food. In addition, dry food contains too much grain and cats do not typically utilise the nutrients in grains well. Cats are carnivores their systems are designed to digest and assimilate small prey like mice or birds, meat and organs, lots of moisture (about 70% - 90% water), and no grains except what is in those tiny little stomachs and digestive tracts. Mice are 40% protein, 50% fat and only 3% carbohydrate (grains are carbohydrates). A cat’s main protein source needs to be meat. Raw meat is ideal since this is the cat’s natural diet and their systems are uniquely designed to digest and assimilate the nutrients in a raw meat diet. Chewing chunks of raw meat also helps clean a cat’s teeth, crunching dry food DOES NOT clean a cats teeth, dried food breaks into small chunks that lodge between the teeth and create decay.
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Adult Cat Diet
Approximately 2-oz of full cream Goats Milk.
( this is next best to mums milk)
Please do not use cat milk, this is a long life milk and is not natural.
Add a half teaspoon of honey.
Add a sprinkle of bran to stop mucus forming.
Approximately 1-2 raw chicken wing including the bone or 3 oz of raw chicken, chicken offal, fish or beef
1 teaspoon of Bran for roughage.
Add a quarter teaspoon of vital vitamins Herbal Formula
In winter add half teaspoon of cod liver oil, no need in summer as the cat absorbs vitamin A and D from the sun.
2-30z of any raw meat, no need to supplement again.
Always have fresh water available.
Feed Raw Meat only including the Raw Bones.
For Ailment Free Cats.

Approximately 1 oz of full cream Goats Milk.
( this is next best to mums milk)
Please do not use kitten milk, this is a long life milk and is not natural.
Add a half teaspoon of honey.
12pm Approximately 1-oz of raw chicken or fish, or 1 raw chicken wing including the bone
half teaspoon
of bran for roughage
A mere pinch of vital vitamins Herbal Formula
4pm Approximately 1-oz of raw chicken or fish.
half teaspoon of bran for roughage
8pm Repeat 8am meal.
Always have fresh water available.
Increase food as the kitten gets older.
At 16 weeks of age omit the 8am meal.
Need any advice or help on the Diet, Please contact us.